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Bully Museum prototypes, Peyo drawings etc
Information and pictures provided by Hans-Joerg Forschauer and Christy
Credits for this page goes to Hans-Joerg Forschauer and his will to share smurf
with future collectors. Enjoy!
Years: 1973-1980

The copies of drawings with a glued picture from the Bully poster were shown to
the Court in the Copyright case between Bully and Peyo in 26th February 1979.
So all those smurfs with Bully ordernumbers from 101001 to 101041 were made before that.
If you read the courts decision you can see that Peyo claimed that Bully had not made
enough new smurfs each year as were agreed. Court answer was that Bully still had the
chance to fulfill that part of the agreement since they still had the license to make smurfs
throughout 1979. That is why Bully made first 8 new smurfs in summer 1979( articlenumbers
101042 to 101049) and then 8 more before december 1979. Most of these Smurfs were
most likely never sold by Bully. But Peyo gave these molds to Schleich so they could
manufacture and sell them. According to Schleich this was because they wanted the collectors
to get the complete serie of smurfs.
Interesting for many collectors are the pictures of the 5 smurfs sold in 1978. The pictures
glued on the documents are
from an advert and shows the prototypes of Fisherman, Archer,
Pupil, Pirate and Scot. The same prototypes are in the possesion of H-J Forschauer now.
The information will be presented in the Schleich articlenumber-order. So from 20068 to 20121.
Bully ordernumbers from 101001-101057. The articlenumbers are shown on the drawings.
The prototypes are made of Wax or Plaster and some are painted.
20068 Kicker 2 / 101001 Fussballer-Schlumpf

Prototype Kicker 2

20069 Jungle / 101002 Wilder Schlumpf

Prototype Jungle

20070 Harp / 101003 Harfen-Schlumpf

Prototype Harp

20071 Flying / 101004 Fliegender Schlumpf

Prototype of Flying is shown on Christys website www.christysbluevillage.com

20072 Trumpet
/ 101005 Trompeter-Schlumpf

Prototype Trumpet

20073 Cook
/ 101006 Koch-Schlumpf

Prototype Cook

20074 King / 101007 König-Schlumpf

Prototype of King is shown on Christys website www.christysbluevillage.com

20075 Quack / 101008 Doktor-Schlumpf

Prototype Quack

20076 Courting / 101009 Verliebter Schlumpf

Prototype Courting

20077 Naughty
/ 101010 Böser Schlumpf

Prototype Naughty

20078 Beer
/ 101011 Bier-Schlumpf

Prototype Beer

20079 Jolly
/ 101012 Lustiger Schlumpf

Prototype Jolly

20080 Biscuit
/ 101014 Kuchen-Schlumpf

Prototype Bisquit

20081 Tyrolese
/ 101015 Tiroler Schlumpf

Prototype Tyrolese

20082 Shy / 101016 Schüchterner Schlumpf

Prototype Shy

20083 Hammer / 101017 Hammer-Schlumpf

Prototype Hammer

20084 Handstand
/ 101018 Handstand-Schlumpf

Prototype Handstand

20085 Cushion / 101019 Sitzender oder Kissen-Schlumpf

Prototype Cushion

20086 Present
/ 101020 Überraschung-Schlumpf

Prototype Present

20087 Axe / 101021 Holzhacker-Schlumpf

Prototype Axe

20088 Traveller
/ 101022 Wanderer-Schlumpf oder Wandergeselle

Prototype Traveller

20089 Artist / 101023 Maler

Prototype Artist

20090 Jester
/ 101024 Clown

Prototype Jester

20091 Skier
/ 101025 Skifahrer

Prototype Ski

20092 Papa Conductor
/ 101026 Dirigent

Prototype Papa Conductor

20093 Bully Tennisplayer
/ 101027 Tennisspieler

20094 Bookworm
/ 101028 Moralschlumpf

Prototype Bookworm

20095 Oboist
/ 101029 Flötenschlumpf

Prototype Oboist

20096 Sledgehammer
/ 101030 Schlumpf mit gr. Hammer

Prototype Sledgehammer

20097 Injured
/ 101031 Verletzter Schlumpf

Prototype Injured

20098 Ballerina
/ 101032 Ballerina

Prototype Ballerina

20099 Head cook
/ 101033 Chefkoch

Prototype Head Cook

20100 Cake
/ 101034 Tortenschlumpf

Prototype Cake

20101 Fisherman
/ 101037 Angler-Schlumpf

Prototype picture above is glued on this document shown to the court.

Prototype of Fisherman is shown on Christys website www.christysbluevillage.com

20102 Archer
/ 101038 Pfeil- und Bogen-Schlumpf

20103 Pupil
/ 101039 Schüler-Schlumpf

Prototype picture above is glued on this document shown to the court.
Prototype Pupil

20104 Pirate
/ 101040 Piraten-Schlumpf

Prototype picture above is glued on this document shown to the court.
Prototype Pirate

20105 Scot
/ 101041 Schotten-Schlumpf

Prototype picture above is glued on this document shown to the court.
Prototype Scot

8 new models from summer 1979
The prototypes are shown in this advert.

Changes to be made on Hunter, Baker, Cupid, Hellebard, Carpenter and Carneval

20106 Hunter
/ 101042 Jäger

Prototype Hunter

20107 Carnival
/ 101043 Karneval

Prototype Carnival

20108 Sauna
/ 101044 Sauna

Prototype Sauna

20109 Guard / 101045 Hellebarde

Prototype Guard

20110 Hairdresser / 101046 Friseur

Prototype Hairdresser

20111 Cupid
/ 101047 Amor

Prototype Cupid

20112 Carpenter / 101048 Schreiner

Prototype Carpenter

20113 Baker
/ 101049 Bäcker

Prototype Baker. Bread was changed to another shape.

8 new models from December 1979
Prototypes are shown in this advert

20114 Magician
/ 101050 Zauberer

Prototype Magician

20115 Lion tamer
/ 101051 Dompteur

Prototype Lion Tamer

20116 Alchemist
/ 101052 Alchimist

Prototype Alchemist

20117 Cornucopia
/ 101053 Füllhorn-Schlumpf

Prototype Cornucopia

20118 Umbrella
/ 101054 Schirm-Schlumpf

Prototype of Umbrella is shown on Christys website www.christysbluevillage.com

20119 Superman
/ 101055 Super-Schlumpf ( Gigant )

Prototype Superman

20120 Diver
/ 101056 Taucher

Prototype Diver

20121 Ice skater / 101057 Eisläufer

Prototype Ice Skater

101036 Mondschlumpf. Bully Astro. Never sold by Schleich

101035 Schlumpfine. Bully Smurfette. Never sold by Schleich

Prototype Bully Smurfette

101013 Arbeiter-Schlumpf. Bully Digger. Never sold by Schleich

Prototype Bully Digger

101101 Zauberer Gurgelhals. Bully Gargamel. Never sold by Schleich

Prototype Bully Gargamel

20498 Johan / 101102 Johann

Prototype Johan

20499 Pewitt / 101103 Pfiffikus

Prototype Pewitt

101090 Bully mini-Smurfs / Kleiner Schlumpf

Prototype Minismurfs and Fly

101099 Bully House / Schlümpfe-Haus

Bully Prototypes never approved by Peyo. Never sold.
These Smurfs were probably meant to replace the old Schleich Smurfs, which Bully
continued manufacturing when they got the license in 1973.
However Peyo did not approve these molds.
Papa Smurf / Ober-Schlumpf

Normal Smurf / Normalschlumpf

Gold Smurf / Goldschlumpf


Brainy Smurf / Brillenträger

Angry Smurf / Wütender


Spy Smurf / Verschwörer

Drummer Smurf / Trommler

Prisoner Smurf / Sträfling

Lazy Smurf / Schlafschlumpf

Judge Smurf / Juristenschlumpf

Sleepwalker Smurf / Schlafwandler

Poet Smurf / Dichterschlumpf

Singer Smurf / Sänger

Discus Thrower Smurf

Ice Hockey Smurf

Additional Pictures

Don´t know what this is? :)