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So here are a few things to watch out for:
1. Painted Smurfs
Like you can see on this pictures from Instagram some people repaint
smurfs to rare variations or just because they like it. It is very easy!!!
I love painting smurfs and especially soccer smurfs, so I know how easy it is. :)
My daughter painted these. I painted two of them.
2. Strange and new accessories
Here are some examples I made myself. Very easy to make but never sold by Schleich.
Today it is very easy for Fakers to make accessories in new colours so be aware!!
Another common example is the blue rope Smurfette.
It is very easy to fake with cable wire. Watch out!!!
3. Faded material colours or faded paint colours
This is one example among many. The stick is now transparent-beige, but as you
see where the hand was placed it was originaly red. Because of sunlight or similair.I have made both a yellow Mushroom Smurf and a yellow Jogger Smurf,
just by leaving them in the sun for one year. :)
100% faded by sunlight.
Suddenly I had 3 different hongkong Joggers. :) 100% faded by sunlight.
4. Rebuild/Modeling new smurfs
With a bit of creativity you can rebuild smurfs to new creations.
Never sold by Schleich but still it has Schleich markings. Strange. :)
Off course some people make completly new molds also.
I love remodeling Smurfs and I think it is very fun, but collectors should now
that most strange new variations on auctionsites are not Schleich made.
So if you like items like this, buy them, but also have in mind that they were
not licensed Smurf items. So basicly same as fakes. Still they could be very collectable.