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The two rugby smurfs made especially for Bill Beaumont´s British Lions tour of 1980.
I do not have an exact date for when BP started the promotion in South Africa. But it was in 1979.
In January 1980 they could order the Loversmurf. Before that they had 20 different smurfs.
At least 15 of those were available in 1979.
In January 1980 the stations got this. And as you see it was an addition to already existing smurfs.
Sold in these bags. Pictures are not mine.
When I got my Springbok rugby from South Africa the seller told me he called him Morne.
From the captain of the Springbok, Morne du Plessis.
On page 5 you can read that they in April 1980 had 26 different figurines.
So if you bought some of these in June 1980 you could have this lot. :)
Just like with the smurfs sold in Australia most of them were made in Hongkong.
But you could also get germanmade smurfs. Especially in the beginning of the campaign.
I do not have any records of how the smurfs were sold after this so far.
Liz from South Africa has this picture, showing all smurfs you could get at BP in
South Africa in autumn 1980. The coin smurf was named Rand. Swimmer and Thinker
was also added together with some super smurfs.
Thanks Liz for the pictures.
In South Africa BP sold the HongKong made cottage.
You could collect 40 smurfs and the latest one was the Skateboard Smurf in the end of 1981.