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Schleich started making smurfs in Hongkong already in 1978. Then with the Schleichemblem. But
after 1978 Schleich stopped with the emblem and started using the Schleich S marking instead. So
only the first 27 smurfs made in Hongkong can be found with the emblem. And Papa got number
6134 by W berrie when sold in 1979. So I donĀ“t think their are any Hongkongmade papasmurfs
with Schleichemblem.
The smurfs Schleich had made in Hongkong were also sold in Australia by BP so therefore they
did not put any W Berrie markings on the smurfs until after 1982 when all smurfs made in
were only made for W Berrie.