Promo Smurfs
On this page I will add smurfs used in promotions in different countries. It is hard to
know which smurfs were used in promotions since Schleich never confirms the
authenticity. They manufacture the items for the customer and as a company policy they
never comments on these items. But the companies using the smurfs in their promotions
many times confirms the authenticity.
Between 1974-1980 Bully also made promo smurfs like the Waldbaur smurfs.
Be aware:
Remember that sadly there are a lot of fakes of promo smurfs!!!!!
Known promo smurfs:
Abilis Judo smurf
ASS Cardplayer smurf
BASF Smurfs and Hexalotte and DR Dinch
Baustein TVH Clubheim Sockel smurf
Belgium Olympic smurfs 2012
BP promo smurfs
BT Singer smurf
Carl Zeiss Brainy smurf
CocaCola thirsty smurf
Colgate Toothbrush smurf
Familie & Co newspaper smurf
Fanta Thirsty smurf
Fire department Schw. Gmünd Fireman smurf
Grand Bazaar smurf
Handicapped smurfs made for L'Association des Paralysés de France, APF
Hardees smurfs
Johanniter First aid smurf
Krings Verbau Digger smurf
Malteser smurfs
National Benzole smurfs
Olympia Poet smurf
OMO smurfs
Paracodin smurf, for Knoll AG or Knoll BASF Pharma
Petit Gervais smurfs
Philips promo smurfs
Quick smurfs
Red Cross first aid smurf
Schlumpfhausen Schurrenhof Icelolly smurf
Silan smurfs
SLA singer smurf
Sparkasse smurfs
Sport & Fitness bodybuilder smurf
Staatlich Fachingen Thirsty smurf
TSL Singer smurf
World Cup Soccer smurfs