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The Smurf Windmill
Also: Windmühle, Moulin
Years: 1981-2004

Schleich made the mold for the windmill 1981 and started selling it 1982. It was sold
all the way to 2003 except for one year, 1987. Schleich used 4 different articlenumbers
when these were sold. 40019 Windmill-playset, containing also smurfs and accessories.
40020 Windmill ( grey), 5200 Windmilldisplay and then after 1996 they changed the
articlenumber to 49020 and also changed the colour to yellow. The windmill was never
marked Hongkong, eventhough sold by W Berrie in the US between 1983 and 1985.
Known variations:
- 40020. Grey windmill with handpainted stones and first mold with no hole for the cable.
- 40020. Grey windmill. Spraypainted.
- 40020. Grey windmill. Spraypainted with CE marking. No peyo marking.
- 49020. Yellow windmill. Large CE marking.
- 695.4507 ( Quelle). Greenish windmill. Not a smurfitem. Made for Alfred J Kwak.
- 5200. Windmill-display.
Known boxvariations:
- 40019. Large windmill-playset.
- 40020. Old box without ageswarning on the box.
- 40020. Old box with ageswarning on the box. Also exists with italian sticker.
- 40020. Polkadot box with grey windmill pictured.
- 49020. Polkadot box with yellow windmill pictured.
- 695.4507. Box for the Alfred J Kwak Windmill.

Mixed parts windmill.